"Off the Florida Keys, there's a place called Kokomo," If the lyrics to the Eagle's hit "Kokomo," got you wondering where Kokomo was, surely you searched for it and stumbled across the infamous Key West. Yes, Key West, home to Ernest Hemingway and Duval Street. Perhaps you were searching for the six toed cats or just a walk-up frozen margarita booth - either way you will find both when you get to the end of the road in the keys.
Key West is more than a just a tropical paradise, it is a history time capsule waiting to be discovered. There are numerous ghost tours here that will walk you all over the historic district, pointing out the blue ceiling porches and telling you tales of where the original Sloppy Joe's Bar really is. You can search for the hanging tree and the gravestones inside a pub as you sip your frozen hurricane.
After a tour, you may want to venture out on your own. You can explore the sandy beaches here, they are some of the biggest ones in the entire keys. If you've already gotten a bit too much sun, you can park yourself at a table near the harbor and watch the fishing charter boats run in and out of the bay all afternoon.
At the end of the day, you may just want to catch some of the live performer shows at Mallory Square. You can witness a variety of juggling and balancing acts that really do demonstrate intense focus and strength. If you wander a bit away from the square you may come across a quaint little Cuban restaurant that plays live music every evening. The local dancers are sure to entertain. And who knows, you may even end up practicing a little Latin dancing yourself!
